Steroid Information

Effects of Winstrol

Like all anabolic steroidal hormones the effects of Winstrol can be broken down into two distinct categories; the positive effects and adverse effects. By its nature, as we will see the effects of Winstrol can greatly promote a stronger physique; such a trait can be perfect for an athlete looking for more strength and speed. Further, the effects of Winstrol can greatly promote a better looking physique making it an excellent contest prep bodybuilding steroid and one for gym rats desiring a similar looking physique.

Of course this steroid is not without fault as the adverse effects of Winstrol are very real. Such effects can range from common DHT related, to liver toxicity and of course natural testosterone suppression. Of course the hormone can be used safely and while some side-effects are indeed very genetically based revolving around individual response, most who supplement responsibly will have very few if any serious problems. Let’s take a look at the effects of Winstrol and discover how we can best maximize the effects within this DHT based steroid.

The Positive Effects of Winstrol:

Without question the primary positive effects of Winstrol revolve around strength and overall athletic performance; in-fact, it is athletic performance that has made this steroid so popular. This increase in strength can be translated into direct physical power, speed and simply a better performing athlete. No, the hormone will not create non-existing talent; it will simply enhance the talents already in place. Like all anabolic steroids the effects of Winstrol do not create an athlete, they simply enhance already existing athletic talent.

Beyond performance athletics this steroid has a welcomed home in the physique inspired world as the effects of Winstrol can greatly promote this end. While a very poor mass building steroid the effects of Winstrol in this regard largely surround dieting phases. Winstrol is very apt for preserving lean tissue and strength when calories are restricted; ask any bodybuilder and he’ll assure you this is a more than welcomed trait. Further, by its nature the effects of Winstrol can greatly promote a harder and more vascular look; key components to the physique game. Of course it must be noted this hormone will not make a fat physique ripped. To enjoy these physique enhancing qualities the athlete will need to be fairly lean to begin with if they are going to show; contrary to popular culture belief anabolic steroids are not magical.

The Adverse Effects of Winstrol:

Like all anabolic steroids the adverse effects of Winstrol are very real. Of course simply stating adverse reactions may occur is not enough, factors such as individual response, total dosing and time of use must be taken into consideration. For example, the higher the dose and the longer we supplement the greater potential there is for negative effects; this may sound obvious and perhaps over simplistic but these are factors many choose to ignore. What are the possible adverse effects of Winstrol use? A few of these are guaranteed, some are genetically dependent and one is very individual based on behavior. The effects of Winstrol in this category include:

  • Cholesterol Issues: Winstrol can lower your HDL and increase your LDL. Those who already have cholesterol issues should avoid this steroid. Those who do not, who supplement responsibly and live a lifestyle that promotes healthy cholesterol levels will not have any problems.
  • Liver Toxicity: As a C17-aa anabolic steroid the effects of Winstrol include liver toxicity. This occurs due to the structural change associated with all C17-aa steroids. While unfortunate this structural change is necessary for the hormone to survive ingestion and administration. By this nature liver enzyme levels will increase when the hormone is used. However, if we are responsible in our supplementation, as the liver rejuvenates quickly enzyme levels will return to normal shortly after use is discontinued leaving no permanent damage. It is however highly advised you avoid heavy alcohol consumption when this hormone is in play.
  • Hair-Loss: As a DHT based anabolic steroid those predisposed to hair-loss may find they lose some hair with Winstrol supplementation. Those who are not predisposed will not lose the first hair on their head. Put simply, if you lose any hair you were going to lose it anyway; the Winstrol simply sped it up.
  • Acne: Another DHT based effect and again it will be of concern to those genetically predisposed. The majority of people will have no problem but if you are acne sensitive this steroid may cause breakouts. For this reason it is important you keep your skin very clean and always ensure your product is of a clean and pure nature.
  • Testosterone Suppression: For some reason many performance enhancers believe the effects of Winstrol do not include testosterone suppression; we assure you it does. For this reason you are highly encouraged to seek out remedy with exogenous testosterone use being your best bet.