Steroid Information

Street Names for Steroids

Street names for steroids are generally very simple. In most cases the street names for steroids are simply the most popular trade name of a particular anabolic steroid compound. For example, one of the most popular anabolic steroids is Nandrolone-Decanoate, often referred to by its most popular trade name given to it by Organon Deca-Durabolin and in general conversation often referred to simply as Deca. The same can be said of many steroids such as testosterone, often its simply called test.

Of course there are street names for steroids of a more generic nature that encompass the entire anabolic steroid category such as Juice Gear or Roids the latter simply being a shortened version of the word Steroids. Over recent years many in the anti-steroid community have used other generic names in an effort to paint anabolic steroids in a similar light as recreational drugs but youll rarely find any performance enhancer who uses these words. Youre not going to find performance enhancers who use words like Crank or Pumpers this is beyond ridiculous.

When looking at the street names for steroids the reason you want find a lot of slang terminology among the Gear using population is because this is a segment of society that is unlike recreational drug users. These are your friends and neighbors, you work with them, go to church with them and your kids are friends with their kids. They are not junkies hanging out on street corners, theyre not violent criminals; the strong majority of this population belong to the class of upstanding citizens. They are doctors and lawyers and even policemen. Factory workers, insurance agents, athletes and any other job you can think of you can find anabolic steroid users in its population. Sure, there are bound to be sour apples in this group just as there are in every group but the vast majority of the steroid using population belong to the class of the everyday man.

Understanding Street Names for Steroids:

Anabolic steroids can be generically broken down into two classes; injectable and oral. Within each class there are numerous forms of anabolic steroids and in some cases well find some anabolic steroids belong to both classes. Of course we can break down each category in a far more specific manner but when discussing the street names for steroids this is the best route to take; it keeps things simple and easy to understand.

Oral Street Names for Steroids:

We have listed the oral street names for steroids one by one using the most common anabolic steroids available. There are other oral steroids that could make the list but this will encompass the steroids most all performance enhancers will ever use. Each one is listed by the actual steroidal compound, followed by its most popular trade name and the slang terminology to follow.

Injectable Street Names for Steroids:

There are far more injectable steroids than oral steroids and as such the injectable street names for steroids list will be much larger. Again, there are injectable steroids that could make the list but this will encompass the steroids most all performance enhancers will ever use. Each one is listed by the actual steroidal compound, followed by its most popular trade name and the slang terminology to follow. Unlike most oral steroids you will find several injectable steroids do not carry a popular trade name per say; yes, there are popular trade names but the injectable list works a little differently. Injectable street names for steroids are as follows.