Steroid Information

Winstrol Doses

The anabolic steroid Stanozolol is one of the more popular anabolic steroids among performance enhancers; you know it best by its most famous trade name Winstrol or Winstrol Depot. Popular among both men and women, as such total Winstrol doses will vary quite significantly but other factors may come into play as well. With many anabolic steroids we find total dosing ranges to vary quite a bit more than with Winstrol. While total Winstrol doses will vary significantly between men and women, within each sex this range will typically be a lot smaller than what is reserved for other steroidal hormones. For example, the most popular anabolic steroid of all, testosterone, you will find doses ranging from 100mg every two weeks in some therapeutic cases, to 300mg-400mg being a typical low performance dose and reaching levels of 1,000mg per week and even more in some cases. We will not see Winstrol doses vary and hold to such a wide range. To begin it just isn’t necessary and as a very liver toxic steroid you don’t want to get carried away causing undue stress to this vital organ.

Winstrol Doses for Men:

The majority of men who supplement with the Stanozolol hormone will do so during a cutting cycle, as this is the steroids best use. Winstrol is not well-suited at promoting mass making this one of the very few true blue cutting steroids among physique driven individuals. For most men, generally speaking 50mg every other day will be the minimal dosing when physique purposes are a concern with 50mg every day being far more common and efficient. Regardless of where your total Winstrol doses fall specifically this every other day to every day range of 50mg will provide amazing physique enhancing qualities. Of course as a liver toxic steroid time of use will need to be somewhat limited regarding total duration of use; 6-8 weeks is generally a fine time frame of use.

While physique related goals will be our most common use due to gym rats making up the majority of performance enhancers, athletes who are looking to enhance athletic performance will also find a solid use for this steroid. The Stanozolol hormone is well-suited for increasing strength and as a steroid that will not bring about a bunch of mass, as many athletes do not want added mass it makes it a fine choice here as well. Most male athletes who fit this bill will find Winstrol doses of 50mg every other day to be all they ever need but in this case a mere 20mg-25mg may be sufficient depending on goals and desires.

Winstrol Doses for Women:

The majority of men who supplement with the Stanozolol hormone will do so during a cutting cycle, as this is the steroids best use. Winstrol is not well-suited at promoting mass making this one of the very few true blue cutting steroids among physique driven individuals. For most men, generally speaking 50mg every other day will be the minimal dosing when physique purposes are a concern with 50mg every day being far more common and efficient. Regardless of where your total Winstrol doses fall specifically this every other day to every day range of 50mg will provide amazing physique enhancing qualities. Of course as a liver toxic steroid time of use will need to be somewhat limited regarding total duration of use; 6-8 weeks is generally a fine time frame of use.

While physique related goals will be our most common use due to gym rats making up the majority of performance enhancers, athletes who are looking to enhance athletic performance will also find a solid use for this steroid. The Stanozolol hormone is well-suited for increasing strength and as a steroid that will not bring about a bunch of mass, as many athletes do not want added mass it makes it a fine choice here as well. Most male athletes who fit this bill will find Winstrol doses of 50mg every other day to be all they ever need but in this case a mere 20mg-25mg may be sufficient depending on goals and desires.

Winstrol Doses for Women:

Regardless of the purpose of use most women will find Winstrol doses of 10mg every other day to every day to be all the Winstrol they ever need. However, as women are far more sensitive to the hormone this steroid can be used as a moderate mass builder in off-season periods of growth and while the same Winstrol doses of a 10mg range will work some may need as much as 20mg. Of course it must be noted; women who supplement with such a large dose will increase their chances of virilization and doses of a 20mg range should only be used if you tolerate the hormone well and are in need of a very enhanced physique. Of course while generally safe for most women at a low dose there will be those who do not respond well and virilization symptoms show. If this occurs during your use you are encouraged to discontinue therapy immediately. If you discontinue the symptoms will fade; it is when the symptoms are ignored and allowed to set in that real damage can be done. If the female at hand does tolerate the hormone well 4 weeks of use with 6 weeks being our max is normally more than sufficient.

The End Game:

Regardless of sex and regardless of a physique related or direct athletic purpose the Stanozolol hormone is a fine and generally well-tolerated choice. Of course responsible use is what largely defines how well of a choice this will be and total Winstrol doses make up a large portion of what we define as responsible use. Further, living a healthy lifestyle that is liver friendly is also part of this equation. For this reason heavy alcohol consumption should be avoided and other medications that may be liver damaging as well should be limited if possible. If these you are able to hold to these points of responsible use you’ll find this to be one very rewarding anabolic steroid.