Steroid Information


Trenbolone-Acetate; if you know anything about anabolic steroids, if youve ever supplemented before theres a good chance you just felt a tingle in your pants with the mention of that steroid. In the eyes of many performance enhancers Trenbolone-Acetate is the single greatest anabolic steroid of all time and we tend to agree. Perfect for adding mass and strength, perfect for cutting cycles that make you ripped to the bone, there are truly very few anabolic steroids as versatile and equal in quality in all aspects of use. Yes, if we had to label one period of use the most efficient period it would be during a cutting cycle but Trenbolone-Acetate is truly amazing in bulking cycles too.

Of course like all anabolic steroids Trenbolone-Acetate has its problems; all steroids carry possible side-effects just as all medications do, even over the counter pain medications and cold remedies. The issue with side-effects, regardless of the item were ingesting is understanding what the possible side-effects are, understanding the probability of their occurrence and most importantly understanding what we can do about them should they occur. As with all anabolic steroids and medications of all types the ultimate key to success will be and will always be responsible use. Responsible use is largely defined by total dosing, our general state of health before we begin use and simply living a healthy lifestyle that promotes a healthier you. While all of this remains true were not here to talk about the side-effects of Trenbolone-Acetate, there are plenty of places you can find that info; here we are only concerned with what makes Trenbolone-Acetate the single greatest anabolic steroid of all time.

Raw Power:

Trenbolone-Acetate is a 19-nor anabolic androgenic steroid with immense anabolic and androgenic power. Defined by the Trenbolone hormone and attached to the very small Acetate ester Trenbolone-Acetate carries an anabolic rating of 500 and an androgenic rating of 500 as well. Of course you might be asking how significant those ratings are and to give you an idea we only need to look at testosterone. Testosterone is one of the most powerful anabolic androgenic steroids of all and all anabolic and androgenic ratings are measured against testosterone. Testosterone carries an anabolic rating of 100 and an androgenic rating of 100 as well; Trenbolone-Acetate as you can see blows testosterone out of the water and that is no small feat.

Through its direct mode of action Trenbolone-Acetate performs many functions within the body when present that lead to a better physique and one that is more functionally apt. Such action and traits includes:


  • Increased IGF-1 Production: IGF-1 is a naturally produced hormone of the peptide class that is highly anabolic and affects nearly every cell in the body. Trenbolone-Acetate performs this feat far greater than most any anabolic steroid


    Maximizing Use:

    To maximize our Trenbolone-Acetate use we will always include testosterone. It does not matter which form of testosterone we choose but in the name of health and enhanced benefits as well testosterone should be in play. To begin, this is a steroid that will suppress natural testosterone production dramatically and if your levels remain low for a period of time low testosterone symptoms may begin to show. Further, as testosterone and Trenbolone-Acetate work together in a perfect synergetic affect the benefits of your total cycle will only be enhanced.

    The End Game:

    Regardless of purpose, bulking or cutting Trenbolone-Acetate has something for nearly everyone. There is no anabolic steroid that possesses such raw power and in truth this is a steroid that carries nearly every single trait a performance enhancer could ever be after; for that matter, it carries them in a manner that is far beyond efficient and effective. You may have heard that this steroid can be harsh in some men and that is an unfortunate truth; while an amazing steroid there will be some who simply cannot use it and while thats a shame the strong majority will find this to be a more than welcomed addition to most any cycle.

    • Androgen Receptor Binding: Trenbolone-Acetate firmly binds to the androgen receptors thereby promoting both fat-loss and muscle hypertrophy.
    • Direct Fat-Loss: By the nature of the androgen binding among other traits Trenbolone-Acetate is one of the few anabolic steroids that directly affects fat-burning in a direct and pronounced manner.
    • Healing & Regeneration: Trenbolone-Acetate greatly promotes healing and regeneration of tissue and cells nearly ten times the rate of most anabolic steroids.
    • Feed Efficiency: Trenbolone-Acetate greatly increases feed efficiency or nutrient efficiency. Put simply this means each calorie we consume is utilized by the body to a greater degree. Each gram of protein, carbs and fats becomes more valuable to the body as the body is able to utilize each gram and fully utilize its total potential. This may indeed be Trenbolone-Acetates greatest trait and function of all.
    • Standard Traits: Like most anabolic androgenic steroids Trenbolone-Acetate greatly increases nitrogen retention, protein synthesis and red blood cell count. While this is common with many anabolic steroids Trenbolone-Acetate simply does it to a far greater degree.
    • Glucocorticoid Hormones: By its nature, like testosterone Trenbolone-Acetate actively blocks and reduces glucocorticoid hormones, commonly referred to as stress hormones or muscle wasting hormones. These hormones are often responsible for fat gain and muscle tissue loss.